Quote Form

Thank you very much for choosing Web Design Beast to create the website you want and most important, the website you NEED. In order to offer the best service possible, we kindly ask you to fill the form below, providing the most accurate information you can.

The moment you finish filling the form, please send it back to us so we can look it up, find out your needs and the best way to help you. Once we’ve checked the form, our team will reply to your quote as soon as possible with the best option according to your needs and budget.

Contact information

    General company/organization information

    How many years has this company/organization been in business?

    Company website

    How did you hear about our company?

    Where do you currently stand?

    This custom web design is for

    Which stage of web design are you currently at?

    Research – defining requirementsSeeking help – need help defining requirements.Seeking service – already have requirements, looking for a web designerSeeking service – already have a web designer, looking at other optionsOther

    How soon do you plan to purchase web design?

    Within the next month.Within the next 3-6 months.Within the next 6-12 months.Not yet decided or just simply exploring the idea.Other

    What is your current web design budget?

    Do you already have a domain name for this website?

    If you have a domain name for this website, enter it below

    What things do you have ready?

    LogosContentProduct picturesBannersNothingOthers

    If you choose nothing, do you want us to create it all?

    YesNot all. Specify

    Do you know what kind of website platform you want?


    Other Please specify

    Website models

    What kind of website do you want?

    InformationBlogOnline servicesEcommerceOther

    If you want an ecommerce website, how many products do you have?


    How many pages do you want on the website?


    Do you currently have web hosting?

    Which web site(s) show the color combination that you like?

    Which web site(s) have the “look and feel” that you like?

    Which website(s) have a layout (and navigation) that you like?

    Which web site(s) have the features that you like?

    Do you need marketing services?

    Do you want monthly website maintenance?


    Fifty percent (50%) of the estimated contract cost of: Project Grand Total Cost, is due and demandable at the time of booking, to be deducted from the Total Final Payment, unless other prior arrangements have been made.


    Final Payment

    Final Payment will be due and demandable five (5) days prior to the event date. Payment terms are available upon request.

    Contact US

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      Web Design Beast LLC
      1900 Camden Avenue San Jose, CA 95124 Tel: (408) 603-4745

      Copyright 2022 Web Design Beast LLC. All Right Reserved.
