Utilizing Links on Your Site

Affiliate websites of Webdesignbeast.com are free to use any form of promotion, in compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Affiliates may use button links, banner advertisements, or text links to Webdesignbeast.com, however, we are strict on spamming and terminate any accounts suspected to be indulging in unnecessary bulk mailing. This will result in forfeiture of monies otherwise due you hereunder. We allow our service marks, trade names, and/or logos to be used as promotional links for display on your Affiliate Site. As per the terms of this agreement, you will get a limited, non-transferable license, allowing you the permission to download such Links for placement on your Affiliate Site in order to serve the sole purpose of promoting sites fully owned, operated, and controlled by Web Design Beast LLC. Your using the Links will be considered your agreement to comply and cooperate with us so as to establish and maintain such Links. You may visually modify a Link with our consent.